April 2015 Webinar Schedule

4As National Webinar schedule for April 2015

To learn more or register, visit aaaa.org



April 2, 2015
1-2 pm EDT
Office Terrors: Slaying Time Suckers
Jeff Hiller will review how to follow clear priorities, plan activities according to effort, spot “black holes” of lost time, and distinguish the urgent from the (merely) important. The goal is to ease the pressure and convert spare minutes into power hours. You will hear about best practices, using real-world examples, to see where wasted time going and get back a few more hours of your day.

April 9, 2015
1-2 pm EDT
How to write an inspirational creative brief
During this one-hour webinar, Robin Hafitz, CEO, Open Mind Strategy, will demystify the process of writing a creative brief, and teach you how to write a brief that is pointed and inspiring.

April 16, 2015
1-2:30 pm EDT
Build your agency like you’re going to sell it
Holding companies and investors look for a specific set of characteristics when paying a premium for an agency. Looking through the lens of an investor, on April 16 Brent Hodgins, Managing Partner, Mirren Business Development, will address how these characteristics inform the building of a powerful new business engine.

April 23, 2015
1-2 pm EDT
How to use social media to attract new business
Michael Gass will provide participants with an inbound marketing plan for creating new business opportunities in as little as 30 days. Michael has personally implemented and refined this program in over 200+ agencies.

April 30, 2015
1-2 pm EDT
The secrets of workshop success: working effectively with teams
Brad Karsh, JB Training Solutions, dives into the elements of leading high performing, inter-departmental and cross-functional teams. Brad will review the four elemental communication and personality styles that define most employees.

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